The Process


Part II - Individual: Life Cycle of a Star
Part II is an individual activity, during which you will investigate the Life Cycle of a Star and compare/contrast it to the Life Cycle of a human.  This should take one class period.

Task 1: Investigating the Human Life Cycle

  1. Activity Page One (unsequenced human life cycle page) shows eight pictures of humans at various ages. Your FIRST task is to figure out the correct sequence of pictures from youngest to oldest. Cut and paste the pictures in to a Word document, including your age estimates.  Pay careful attention to how you determine the sequence because
  2. your SECOND task is to write a detailed description (in your Word document) explaining how you came up with your answer, so clear that other students will understand it and be able to use it as a model to come up with the same sequence.  This might not be as easy as it appears.  Submit  parts 1. and 2. to your teacher (apps$ server; Physical Science folder, Mr Moseley's Webquest folder, Activity II, period x folder).
  3. then THIRD, check your sequence with the expert sequence (see Mr Moseley), propose explanations for any discrepancies and add these corrections to your document. Finally, print a copy for your comp book.

Task 2: Sequencing Images of Massive Stars

  1. Activity Page Two shows eight NASA images from the Hubble Space Telescope (HST).  These are pictures of the formation sequence of a large star.  Read the information about each step.  Then cut and paste the information/pictures in to a word document in the correct age order, youngest to oldest (the first one is identified for you).
  2. your SECOND task is to submit  part 1 to your teacher (apps$ server; Physical Science folder, Mr Moseley's Webquest folder, Activity II, period x folder).
  3. Finally, print a copy for your comp book.

Task3: Compare and contrast

  Write two paragraphs that compare and contrast the life cycles of humans and stars. Submit this to your teacher (apps$ server; Physical Science Folder; Mr Moseley's Webquest Activities) and print a copy for your comp book.


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